Here is a glimpse into our most in demand programs
Positive Culture
An engaging and high-performance culture has well-being at its center and needs to be fostered on an organizational level. In this program, we support organizations in becoming the positive workplaces they aspire to be.
We achieve this by:
- providing organizations with an advanced technology platform to survey well-being and other critical elements, in collaboration with our partner, Qlearsite - The wellbeing compass survey
- supporting HR teams to explore their employees' and Leaders' experience and ensure they offer them the policies and tools they need to thrive - The Guardians program
- engaging a group of employees in championing well-being in the workplace, and thus boosting the impact of the organization's initiatives - The Ambassadors program
Positive Leadership: the heliotropic effect
We offer Leaders the unique opportunity to enhance their Leadership impact by focusing on what matters most, according to modern research findings, which is building trust and energizing their teams. This insightful and practical program enables Leaders to evolve their leadership style, by learning from their peers and best practices, during workshops, and growing through personal work, supported by a Coach in one-to-one sessions. We focus on the personal motivation of Leaders, as well as on enhancing their self-awareness, by using a powerful 180° feedback online survey, NeuroView, in collaboration with our partner Envisia Learning.
Positive Teams: the roots of high performance
We offer Teams the opportunity to connect on a deeper level and become more successful. This powerful journey engages participants through team workshops and individual feed-forward sessions. We primarily work on trust, which research proves to be the foundation of high-performing and happy teams. We focus on understanding the pillars of trust, exploring participants' current practices, committing to new ones, and bonding on a more personal level. To achieve that, we use exciting activities and insights on individual and team level, through a specialized team assessment online tool, NeuroTeamView, in collaboration with our partner Envisia Learning.
The Science of Happiness | The Happy Toolbox | Happiness 360°
We offer a holistic science-based approach to well-being from a modern applied psychology angle. Our programs are modular and invite participants to explore happiness, myths, biases, and focus on what matters. Through our workshops, we engage people in further fostering positive emotions and life satisfaction. To achieve that, we focus on all areas that make a difference in how we experience and lead our lives. We work on key knowledge, models, tools, habits, while connecting, reflecting, sharing, planning, and enjoying a unique learning experience.